I'm about to give you 10 points that will create success for you, if you follow them. If you don't then it'll be why you're not successful or panting seeds for success. These 10 points work, for your relationship, if it's in business, if it's to get a product launched, if it's to run a successful team, company, whatever it is. These are just really 10 basic principles that if you can't follow here, you're not going to be successful anywhere else anyway. They're like the most simple version of winning.
The first one says, “Be the driver.” Okay, being the driver means you're someone who takes responsibility. Who's ever been in a car before and you had a backseat driver? It's really freaking frustrating! Now, here's the worst part: when the backseat driver didn't want to drive in the first place. How does that make you feel? Now being the driver in your life means you don't leave the gap between what you want for yourself and what someone else might want for you. Does that make sense? It is the greatest way to have regret, is to not know exactly what you want for you for your own reasons. So if you're winning or you're losing, it's your fault. It doesn't matter if you're losing, if you can own it and say, but I'm losing because it's my fault, well then you can also create the wins that you want for yourself as well. People who blame others or are doing something for others, odds are they end up losing or they ended up feeling regretful anyway for the things that they do achieve because they wanted their own aspirations anyway. So, being the driver just means get behind the wheel. Set your own goals for yourself and start driving.
The second one is, “Choose where the bus is going.” So be the driver and choose where it's going. Choosing where to go means make sure that you have a roadmap and that you visualize the destination, not the journey. Let's just say you book a trip to Spain, you got to the people to book the trip in. Do they spend 90% of their time telling you about you going to the airport and then getting your luggage and dragging it around the terminal and getting a bus to the international terminal and then waiting for three hours etc. etc. etc. Do they spend 90% telling you about the journey? No, they spend 90% of the time talking to you about the destination. No one's trying to sell you on the journey. So when you're visualizing things, you've got to visualize yourself at the destination. You tell yourself, “It's going to be worth it when I'm there.” If you spend 90% of your time thinking about the destination you never take the journey. You have to sell yourself in the destination, not the journey. So choose where it's going, have a roadmap to get there, but visualize the shit out of the destination, not the journey.
The third thing is, “Make sure you have positive perceptions of events.” Have positive perceptions of the challenges that are going to come up along the way. Choose to have a certain attitude towards the events that happen in your life and the challenges that come up won’t seem so large. There's a good way to look at things and there's a bad way to look at things. Both of them will be made available to you. You get to choose, react bad or react well and by reacting well, it tends to lead to good things. There's a choice to be made. It's the same thing when you get a rude customer, you can either say, “thank you for not wasting my time and I can go find my positive customers. Appreciate you!” Or you can say, “what an asshole!” and damage your own attitude because you carry a chip on your shoulder for the rest of the day. There's two ways to react. There's a good and bad about it, but you choose what you think. A positive person goes, more people home, trainers can't work, no one's in the park, no one's at the beach. You know what, there's got to be a lot of people home. They're going to be in a good mood. And they're going to have sympathy for me because I'm not home. Great. Brilliant. I'm probably going to have a high conversion rate today. Somebody else goes, well, I might catch a cold. Maybe you will. You're going to get wet. You definitely will. Yeah. Just choose what you want to focus on. Not have a positive perception of the events. It's really, really important if you want to be successful, regardless of, like I said, what your goals are, things going to happen along the way.
Fourth thing is, “Tell people about it.” Tell people about your vision. Tell people about your goals, tell people about the destination that you're working towards. And the reason why this is really important, if we talk about money really quickly, I'm always telling people that money is just the applause you get from your audience. Now money comes from providing value, which comes from solving problems. People will pay you based on the size of the problem that you solve. So if your skill set allows you to solve pretty small problems, you will make a pretty small income. If you can solve a larger problem, you get paid a higher income. In our industry, if you can do sales, there's a lot of people out there who are looking for work and we have a pretty simple product to sell. So your income is going to be reflective of that. If you could try and tell other people how to do sales, there's not very many people who have the skillset to run a sales team of 10. Your income is higher because you solve a greater problem for me. It's harder to find leader than it is to find sales people. It's harder to find people with people management ability than sales ability. Yet they're different types of people. So the greater the problem you solve, the greater the income you have. To make more money, you either need to increase the size of the problem that you solve, or you need to increase the audience that you solve it for. That, right there is a formula to be rich. The only way you increase your audience is by sharing your vision with people. You've got to share with as many people as you possibly can. You need big platforms to do that. We need to get in front of people and share your story and where you're going.
Fifth thing is, “Don’t lose energy over people who aren’t on your bus”. So if you're going to be the driver, you're going to choose where it's going, you have to appreciate that sometimes you're going to pull up at a stop and there's going to be seven people at the bus stop, but they're all looking to go to a completely different destination. Some of them, I'm not looking to go to where you were heading. Don't lose energy over it. Don't get frustrated by it.
Sixth is, “Be worth catching”. I think your attitude, your enthusiasm, who you are as a person is contagious whether you like it or not. I think we're all leaders. Leadership just means you're influencing the behaviour of others, which means whether you're a good person or a bad person, you can still be a leader. It's still leadership. Let's talk about, Hitler. He was a great leader, just not a great person. He led people to do the wrong things. You can't say he wasn't a good leader. He managed to convince a whole lot of people to do some bad things. He must be good at leadership. He just used that skillset for the wrong reasons. Yeah, he was a horrible person, but he's a great leader. We're all leaders. You're influencing somebody either for good or for bad. Be worth catching means make sure where you're taking people is positively geared for them and for you.
Seventh is, “Be inspired and be inspiring.” If you want to have a great relationship, if you want a great business, if you want people to back you, invest in you, whatever it is, you need to act inspired. Be inspired is in how you walk, in how you’re talking, and how you think and the decisions that you make. Everyone has a birthday once year, as I’m writing this it’s actually mine. What could I have done today? I could be at home, with my family! But I think, why would I be at home? That's so uninspiring. I was up this morning before my family was even up. I was walking out the door before my partner ran out and yelled happy birthday, and I went off to work because I'm inspired. My birthday is kind of irrelevant in the biggest game of what I'm working towards achieving. I'm working towards being able to have any day that I want off, not just my birthday. So I want to be inspired in my actions. Then by being inspired, you become inspiring because inspiration comes from words AND actions.
Eight one is “Value the people that join your bus.” Believe in whatever your team vision is. Believe in whatever it is that you say, you're speaking. Tell you team that you back them, that you value those people. A great thing to always remember, especially if you want to be in a leadership position, is that you can't add value to people that you devalue. So if I devalued you guys here, I wouldn't be here. But because I value everybody that's part of that company, I'm in and I'm active and I want to educate and inform and be around you guys. Yeah. So value the people that join your bus.
The ninth one says “Have fun, but combine it with purpose.” When you have fun combined with purpose, it will keep you productive. Have fun, but combine it with a purpose. That's what fuels your productivity levels. If you find that you're not productive, I guarantee it's because you're not having fun and you don't connect in your work to a greater purpose for yourself. That could be a purpose for your family or a bigger reason as to why you want to be successful. It could be you want to pass from a skillset. You want to contribute to a certain way, you want to feel a certain way, whatever it is, but connect your energy every day to work to a greater purpose.
The tenth one is the exact same thing, “Have fun.” Just have fun because it's attractive! Fun people are attractive. No one was to hang out with a sad sack… I definitely believe that people want to be a part of something bigger than themselves, but they want to enjoy that journey as well, they want to have a good time doing it. Having fun is an attractive thing. Remember, if you're not having fun at work, it's your fault because you're not fun. I just think fun is an inside job. I use my kids to explain this all the time. My kids make anything fun, like my kids get upset if you take the rubbish out because they wanted to do it. My daughter gets upset if you wipe the table because that’s her job! They don't know the difference between a game and a chore. They just don't know the difference. And when we grow up, there's this thing that we learn and there's a thing called work and then we attach a really negative connotation towards it. I just disagree!
You'd be successful at anything if you just did these 10 steps.